Partners to host joint conference on ‘Protein Sciences in Drug Discovery’ in
Cambridge, UK from 18–19 November 2024
Cambridge, UK and Los Angeles, US, 26 June 2024: The European Laboratory Research &
Innovation Group (ELRIG) UK, a not-for-profit, volunteer-led organisation for the drug discovery
community, has partnered with The Protein Society (TPS), an international, not-for-profit, scholarly
society, with the mission to provide forums for the advancement of research into protein structure,
function, design and applications. The partners will collaborate to deliver a joint conference on ‘Protein
Sciences in Drug Discovery’ bringing together their respective communities to focus on the application
of emerging areas of protein science to the challenges of drug discovery.
ELRIG is dedicated to the delivery of leading-edge scientific conferences and networking meetings on
an open-access basis. Its scientific programmes focus on innovative research areas that have the
potential to revolutionise drug discovery, enabling its global community to exchange information,
within disciplines and across academic and biopharmaceutical organisations. TPS advances state-ofthe-art science through international forums, workshops, networking opportunities and symposia that
promote communication, cooperation, and collaboration among scientists involved in the study of
proteins. The foundation of the Society is its flagship Protein Science journal. Working together will
enable the organisations to create a productive interdisciplinary forum that incorporates diverse
research interests and experimental approaches, offering their drug discovery and protein science
communities the opportunity to connect and share ideas.
Protein Sciences in Drug Discovery 2024 takes place from 18–19 November at Hinxton Hall
Conference Centre in Cambridge, UK. The interactive event will bring together scientists from
academia, pharma, biotech and CROs to discuss high-throughput methods for protein expression,
approaches for generation of antigens for antibody and vaccine discovery, analytical techniques to
interrogate protein quality, and the application of cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) for
druggability, as well as sequence-based predictive methods. The free-to-attend conference also
includes poster presentations, networking sessions as well as a vendor exhibition, and offers travel
bursary opportunities for early career professionals.
Melanie Leveridge, Chair, ELRIG UK, and Vice President Discovery Biology, AstraZeneca, said:
“Our organisations share a unifying goal — to provide a platform that enables academia and industry
to exchange knowledge that supports innovation and fosters collaboration across the life science
community. So, we are delighted to join forces with the renowned Protein Society to deliver this year’s
Protein Sciences in Drug Discovery event.”
Prof Elizabeth Meiering, President, The Protein Society, and Professor at University of
Waterloo, said: “We are excited to launch this unique interdisciplinary event in partnership with
ELRIG. Bringing together leading experts from complementary disciplines provides an exceptional
opportunity to communicate the latest advances and techniques in protein science and how to apply
them to support drug discovery. We look forward to connecting our community with its global drug
discovery network.”
For further information about Protein Sciences in Drug Discovery 2024 please visit:

Melanie Leveridge, Chair,
ELRIG UK, and Vice
President Discovery
Biology, AstraZeneca

Prof Elizabeth
Meiering, President,
The Protein Society,
and Professor at
University of Waterloo
Sanj Kumar
Tel: +44 7860 892944
The Protein Society
Raluca Cadar
Codon Communications
Dr Michelle Ricketts
Tel: +44 7789 053885
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Since incorporation in 2004, ELRIG has consolidated its reputation as a best in industry UK-based
not-for-profit volunteer-led organisation, operated by and for the life sciences community, and
dedicated to the delivery of leading-edge scientific meetings and conferences on an open-access
basis for optimum accessibility across all levels of its 22,000-strong global community.
The Board delegates its tasks to a series of Work Groups, who work with the ELRIG team to ensure it
achieves its objectives.
ELRIG continuously strives to advance its ED&I and sustainability strategic pillars, to both inspire and
align with the ESG strategies of its delegates, exhibitors, sponsors and all other stakeholders.
For more information, visit the ELRIG website or follow on LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter) and
About The Protein Society
Founded in 1986, The Protein Society (TPS) is an international, not-for-profit, scholarly society with
the mission to provide forums for the advancement of research into protein structure, function, design
and applications. TPS supports diverse meetings including its Annual Symposium, to promote
scientific collaboration, communication, and professional development, with many opportunities for
junior scientists. The Society’s journal, Protein Science, has become a premier platform for leading-edge, trans-disciplinary research, furthering the science of proteins in the broadest possible sense.
Protein Science – Wiley Online Library
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