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ChemAxon and AWS simplify getting scientists moving on the cloud

Paul Underwood, solution architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS), introduced the Biotech Blueprint QuickStart program on ChemAxon’s user meeting in Boston last April. The presentation starts with a brief overview of a typical informatics infrastructure and platform teams working at biotech companies.

Paul concluded that generally the teams, dedicated to create and maintain the core platform of a biotech have to face the following challenges:

  • Resource issues – either small teams or expensive consultancy services
  • Fast reaction – science urges new solutions to happen swiftly
  • Create easy, everywhere available platforms – that is move everything to the cloud.

This need moved AWS to launch their Biotech Blueprint project. The goal is to build a secure, cloud-based platform solution that allows its users to set-up and configure best-of-breed software solutions needed throughout the drug discovery process. To achieve this, AWS provides the knowledge and expertise of a secure cloud platform; and it integrates selected software vendors to cover different scientific fields.

The project started with the needs of the preclinical phase. In the chemistry field ChemAxon got selected as the top vendor to provide unambiguous, novel compound registration within the project. Paul Underwood thanked ChemAxon for “being a leader in the cloud and being a Biotech Blueprint Launch Partner.”

AWS recently has launched Biotech Blueprint, that offers an easy switch to a cloud platform. Based on initial test results the deployment process got shrinked from weeks to only 15 minutes. The biotech company’s platform team only has to click on the required software solution and upload and install the license.

Listen to the talk by Paul Underwood of AWS [] introducing Biotech Blueprint. And contact ChemAxon [] for more details.